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这确实是 120 首百老汇经典歌曲的权威集合,经过修改,包括来自最新大片的歌曲,如《魔法坏女巫》 、 《制片人》 、 《妈妈咪呀》等等。包括的歌曲有:《All I Ask of You》•《And All That Jazz》•《Another Op'nin', Another Show》•《Camelot》•《Close Every Door》•《Consider Yourself》•《Dancing Queen》•《Day by Day》•《Don't Cry for Me Argentina》•《Edelweiss》•《Hello, Dolly!》•《I Could Have Danced All Night》•《I Wanna Be a Producer》•《Kids!》•《Let Me Entertain You》•《Memory》•《My Funny Valentine》•《On My Own》•《People》•《Popular》•《Seasons of Love》•《Seventy Six Trombones》•《They Live in You》•《Tomorrow》•《Try to Remember》•《What I Did for Love》•等等。