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Did you use to play the piano? Would you like to play again? This is the first of two books of Play It Again: Piano. It will reunite you with the keyboard using real pieces from the piano repertoire to teach specific techniques and tips, to get you playing fluently once again. The level of pieces in this first book progresses from around UK grades 1 to 4 (elementary to intermediate). Aimed at “returning” players who have spent some time away from the keyboard, Play It Again: Piano gives you the confidence to revisit this fulfilling pastime and go beyond what you previously thought you could achieve. Each of the 28 pieces in Book 1 is accompanied by two full pages of easy-to-understand practice tips, all designed to get your fingers speeding comfortably across the keys once again! There are more comprehensive Piano Technique and Theory sections at the front and back of each book, so you can also delve deeper to regain a fuller understanding of music and technique. Each book is arranged in 4 progressive sections, with Book 1 moving from Elementary to Intermediate and Book 2 taking you from Late Intermediate to Late Advanced. Dip in and out wherever your level of playing suits: this two-book course starts with simple and elegant miniatures and concludes with the famously showy Prelude in C-sharp minor by Rachmaninoff! Confident pianists could start with Book 2, but there is a wealth of delightful repertoire and valuable practice tips in Book 1 – it's always useful to go “back to basics.” Baroque, Classical and Romantic works sit alongside Jazz, Ragtime, contemporary or traditional pieces at every level, so each lesson brings something different and you'll learn to play in a range of styles, some of which may be new to your fingers. If you often find yourself saying “I used to play the piano ...” but wish you still did, then Play It Again: Piano is the resource for you!
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