Organteq offers real-time synthesis of organ pipe sounds based on a physical model. By capturing the complex physics of flue and reed pipes, it brings a vivid instrument of stunning playability and breathtaking realism.
Everything in Organteq can be tweaked - from the composition of the organ to the sound of each pipe - making it possible to reproduce a wide variety of existing organs or to explore unknown musical lands.
Physical Modelling
The core synthesis algorithms of Organteq are based on the aeroacoustics of organ pipes. The equations of the air jet growing and impacting the labium, the equations of the beating reed, as well as those that describe the pipes' resonances, are used to synthesize organ pipe sounds. In addition, the acoustic radiation from the pipes' ends to the division box first, and then to the main space, is considered. This makes it possible to listen to the organ sounds in various configurations.
The use of physical modelling has many advantages, including small file size, quick load time, variability, and access to various tweakable parameters.
Organteq Console
- Three manual keyboards
- 1 pedalboard
- 50 assignable stop slots
- 3 expression pedals
- 4 tremulants
- 6 couplers
- 4 monophonic couplers
- 24-step crescendo pedal
- 100 combination banks
- Easy combination navigation
- Tutti & General Cancel
Organteq also offers alternative console views (or 'Jamb Views') that gather all your organ information and controls in a condensed way.
The Jamb Views are touchscreen compatible, detachable, and let you activate multiple stops within a single drag.
A dual-split option for multiple screens is also offered.
A broad and diverse collection of 56 organs
Among the 56 Organteq presets, you will find some archetypal organs carefully designed and voiced to best represent the French Romantic and German Baroque organ building traditions - from small and intimate Romantic choir organs to the roaring and powerful Baroque cathedral instrument. Every archetypal organ also comes with many variations: more or less detuned, listening from the organ console or from the audience's point of view.
Organteq also comes with 24 historical and modern organs of diverse aesthetics and periods, ranging from the early Classical era to the Neo-Baroque movement of the 20th century. These thoroughly crafted instruments provide a broad selection of styles and sounds to explore, passing through the mighty Versailles Chapel organ and others made by famous builders such as A. Schnitger, Dom Bedos, Cavaillé-Coll, and many more...
Tweak your organ
From the powerful 32' bass pipes to some soft-voiced flue pipes, roaring reeds, and exciting mixtures, 68 carefully crafted organ stops are assignable to any of the console's 50 stop slots. Build and modify your organ composition easily with a smooth and streamlined GUI (copy/paste/swap/move/insert, ...).
Voice and harmonize each stop to your taste ... and even individual pipes! Tweak the parameters of the physical model and adjust the brightness, wind jitter, chiff - and more! - according to your needs and tastes!
Expression pedals
Expression pedals control the opening of wooden boxes in which organ pipes are enclosed.
Organteq offers 3 configurable expression pedals: each one of them can be easily assigned to one or several keyboard divisions, but also to a selection of individual stops.
Tweak and modify each pedal's effect with filter shapes for closed and open pedal positions.
Tremulants are a mechanical device that modulates the upstream airflow that feeds the organ pipes. These modulations affect the pitch, intensity, and spectral content of the sound... and are generated by the physical model itself - not by a post-processing audio effect!
Organteq lets you assign and customize 4 different tremulants: choose which keyboards and stops should be affected by each tremulant, and adjust their amount, rate, and shape.
Crescendo pedal
The Crescendo pedal triggers a sequence of stop switches, but also couplers and tremulants to help you create great dynamic playing.
It has 24 fully configurable steps. Its configuration is smooth and straightforward thanks to the streamlined GUI and its detachable window.
Couplers let you play simultaneously the pipes of one division from an alternative manual.
Organteq proposes 6 customizable couplers, with octave transposition options. Octave and sub-octave couplers within a single keyboard are also possible.
Monophonic Couplers
Monophonic couplers are an exciting and new feature that sends only the bass line or the melody played on one keyboard to another. The monophonic couplers' behaviour is carefully designed to offer stunning playability and to provide exciting registration possibilities!
Combinations and Banks
Create and store your organ sounds palette with 100 banks of 10 combinations each. Easy snapshots from the main UI. Optimized management of banks and combinations for a smooth and controlled performance.
Division Box settings
In real organs, each keyboard is associated with a division, and all the pipes of a division are enclosed in a single wooden box. Of course, these wooden boxes have some acoustical effects and influence the sound of the organ.
Organteq allows you to control these effects: for each division, you can tune its gain, its associated EQ, the size of the division box, and its presence in the final mix.
Output settings
Play with the sound space: adjust the stereo width and the C/C# spatial separation of organ pipes.
A new routing audio output matrix of up to 8 channels.
The reverberation plays a huge role in the 'organ sound': the space in which the organ is placed (a cathedral or a much smaller room) is also part of the instrument!
Version 2.1
- Add 14 historical and modern organs
- Revoice French Romantic organs
- Add 7 stops
- Rename previous historical and modern presets (e.g., 'Historical: Alsatian Organ II (Marmoutier)' to 'Alsatian Organ II (Marmoutier - 1746)'
- Add two new temperaments (Cavaillé-Coll 1/9 and 1/10 comma)
- Add dynamic tremulant names on the main console interface
- Add more explicit monophonic coupler names on the main console interface
- Add 'tag' feature for filtering presets, 5 built-in tags
- Add a snapped value to some parameter sliders
- The MIDI demos embedded in presets can now be loaded and played in the MIDI player of the standalone app
- On macOS, a checkbox added in options/devices that automatically selects the default audio device
- Fix various bugs and crashes
- Increase highlight color of black keys when played
Standalone or Plug-in
- Advanced Physical Modeling
- Versatile Console
- Pipe-specific parameters
- Ergonomic UI
- Large collection of unique stops
- Advanced output settings
- More than 30 built-in presets
- Seamless DAW integration
Tech Specs
OS X 10.7 or later
Windows 7 or later
Linux x86